Saturday, December 15, 2012

Student Engagement

This infographic presents some interesting ideas regarding student engagement in a simple format. I really believe that educators need to focus on more project-based learning opportunities to make curriculum relevant to learners. The world of work is essentially a series of projects where we must collaborate, communicate in a variety of formats and use critical thinking skills. These are the skills required for the 21st century learner. By designing projects that include an element of social responsibility, students can realize the satisfaction making a difference when helping others. They can begin to see themselves as an agent of positive change.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Testing Out Screenr

I've been looking for a simple web-based screen recorder (there are lots out there) and decided to try Screenr. It was simple to use - simple enough that I could use it with teachers who are not tech savvy. Here is the simple video I created.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Innovative Pedagogical Support

I always like to hear how teachers are using technology to engage students. Apps like Nearpod allow teachers to design lessons that not only deliver curriculum, but do so in a manner that engages students in activities that will be relevant for their future. Have a look at the article at:

I like this infograhic used to illustrate its use.
nearpod ipad app

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Tech is Just a Tool

I like this quote from Justin Reich, " ...where we prepare young people for a life of civic commitment, of self-reflection, and of meaningful work and contributions to community. The way is about unlocking student talent, compassion, and humanity. If the iPad distracts us from defining the way, then we have to smash it."

How we use technology is more important than technology itself.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Is Your School Policy or Instructional Style a Lid?

This little video clip made me think about the way some schools and teachers approach instruction. We shape the way students learn and their opportunities for engagement.  School expectations and teacher preference should not limit learning to the confines of the classroom. Because of technology, our classrooms are no longer limited  by walls. Lets lift the lid on our classrooms by enlarging the jar. This will require some innovative and resilient leadership if we are to move education beyond the walls of our classrooms.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Education Evolution

This is a powerful video clip that illustrates that the status quo is unacceptable. Change is needed. 

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Tech unConference

I attended a workshop at the University of Windsor that focused primarily on the use of technology in the classroom. What made it an "unconference" was the spontaneity with which to various session occurred....a very unique but informative experience. 

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Where to Start with Technology

Too often teachers will try to introduce technology to students without a learning goal in mind. Educators must teach the use of tech tools in the context of curriculum expectations. Technology is only a tool and should not be an end unto itself. For example, trying to teach students how to use a speech to text product without a curriculum context may be amusing for the moment but students will not learn to generalize its use to other more appropriate tasks. This is a good article that describes how to approach the use of ipads in an English class.

Presentation on Self Injurious Behavior

Great presentation by Mark Levesque today on the prevalence of self injurious behaviours. With his permission, I will post his presentation on the blog.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

"Grit" or Resiliency

We have known for some time that those who work hard are able to overcome and achieve - although grit as this author calls it, may not be quantifiable, it is a determining factor in achievement. I have witnessed, many times, a student with numerous challenges out-perform a higher "ability" student because of grit. But how do you teach grit? I believe we need to look at Self Determination Theory where we develop resilience by addressing autonomy, purpose and mastery. These 3 elements of motivation will impact "grit".  Have a look at the article at

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Reinforcement vs Motivation

This article got me thinking about how educators try to shape student behaviour. Incentives for mundane tasks do not improve self regulatory skills in the long term. We need to make sure that students are engaged and that tasks are meaningful.

I really like Daniel Pink's insight into motivation. Have a look at an article on my website.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Teacher Characteristics

After reading this article, I believe there is another quality or characteristic of a great teacher and that is resilience. I absolutely agree with the author about the other 3 characteristics - relevance, rigor and relationships - but without resilience, I do not believe that the other 3 can be sustained over time. Dr. Robert Brooks speaks of the importance of developing resiliency in children. In order for that to occur, teachers must demonstrate that quality themselves. The challenge for leadership is to develop resiliency in staff in order to embrace the changes necessary for education to continue to be relevant, rigorous and with productive in the cultivation of relationships

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

File Sharing

I think this update for google drive has many possibilities for the classroom. Students can use their mobile devices to edit a shared document. What an easy way to enhance collaboration.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

I came across a great resource for teachers looking to embed technology into their classrooms. It's a simple list of software resources from Richard Byrne. Each tool listed has a brief description and addresses a different need within a classroom. Have a look.
12 Awesome EdTech Tools for 2012-2013

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Student Blogging

This is what I love about using social media for professional development - teachers can share experiences and expertise and we can learn about what we feel is relevant and necessary for us at any point in time. I have been encouraging teachers for some time now to use blogging as a vehicle to increase student engagement in whatever topic you are studying. Here is an interesting article by a teacher from Wisconsin on blogging with students.

As teachers we must use relevant mechanisms to access the curriculum in order to increase student engagement and prepare students for their future. We are responsible to deliver the curriculum in a manner that is relevant in today's world. Student blogging is a step in the right direction. 

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Communication Outside the Classroom Walls

What I've noticed as my daughter has grown older is how connected she is to her peers at other schools. She has a close group of friends that attend at least 4 different high schools. This is very different than my high schools days where your core peer groups was predominantly located at your own high school. She has regular conversations with friends from multiple schools within seconds. This evolution of communication is only beginning to become evident in our classrooms. Our classrooms need to experience more communication with those outside of the 4 walls of the room. This article by Jeff Dunn provides some great ideas about how to use Skype within the classroom. Given my background in special education, I can see the impact this tool would have on student engagement and experiential learning. Tools such as this allow educators to look outside the walls of the classroom in order to prepare students for life. Ministry or state curriculum may become dated but learning can always be relevant.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Social Media in the Classroom

Social media is becoming a tool that, once embraced by a teacher, can have a dramatic impact on instruction and communication with colleagues, parents and students. I found this article interesting.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Blogger to Go

I am going to start using my cell phone to update my blog with the Blogger app. Much of what I read is though the phone because of push notifications. I also like that I can easily upload photos during presentations. The photo is just a my dog Ozzie.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Just got back from the ASET Conference in Niagara Falls. It was another great opportunity to reflect on how we are preparing students for the future. We definitely need greater focus on the web 2.0 education opportunities to engage our learners, especially with declining funds for resources. By looking to the web to differentiate, we can engage students in any environment - in school, at home or on the street using the cell phones. I am going to test out the Google Chrome extensions, Speakit and Webnotes. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Principal Presentation

For those principals who attended my presentation at the system principal's meeting, I would appreciate a comment expressing what has worked well when implementing assistive technology in your buildings. Please post  a strategy below so that I can share your successes with others within our system.